## *** PNG画像の書き出し *** set terminal pngcairo size 520,600 set output "FeMult.png" set multiplot layout 2,1 set lmargin 8 set rmargin 2 ## *** 画像の装飾 *** set title "bcc Fe" set ylabel "Total Energy (arb. unit)" unset ytics # ## *** 実験値を縦線で *** # ## a = 5.424 (Bohr) set arrow from 5.424,-2541.0235800 to 5.424,-2541.0089992 nohead dt (20,20) ## *** 計算結果のプロット *** ## mjw (LDA) plot "Fe_mjw.txt" u 1:2 w lp pt 7 title "LDA(mjw)",\ "Fe_pbe.txt" u 1:2 w lp pt 7 title "GGA(pbe)" axis x1y2 ## *** 磁気モーメント *** # ## a = 5.424 (Bohr) set arrow from 5.424,2 to 5.424,2.7 nohead dt (20,20) set xlabel "Lattice constant a (Bohr)" set ylabel "Spin moment ({/Symbol m}_B)" set key right bottom unset title set ytics plot "Fe_mjw.txt" u 1:(abs($3)) w lp pt 7 title "LDA(mjw)",\ "Fe_pbe.txt" u 1:(abs($3)) w lp pt 7 title "GGA(pbe)" unset multiplot set terminal windows plot sin(x) ## *** 参考URL *** ## 縦線を描画 ## http://sobanomi2525.blogspot.com/2013/10/gnuplot.html ## 破線 ## http://www.ss.scphys.kyoto-u.ac.jp/person/yonezawa/contents/program/gnuplot/dashtype.html